Houston Land Use and Zoning Plan


District of Houston


Houston BC






The purpose of this plan was to develop a new land use plan for the District of Houston, BC. The recently completed Official Community Plan (2010), Development Bylaw (2013), and community input guided the process in developing a new land use map and an updated land uses. Selkirk Planning & Design (SPD) and the project team examined existing land use inventory and developed potential growth scenarios to predict land use growth and demand with a 20 year projection.

Mapping and diagramming exercises were done with community members to identify strengths and weaknesses and clarify community priorities. SPD & CSUD then identified key land use areas and developed a series of potential development scenarios and presented them graphically to the public to identify the preferred land use strategies. Feedback from the community was summarized and integrated into the final land use map and as proposed amendments to the land use descriptions in the Official Community Plan. Proposed Development Bylaw amendments were also needed and new zones were developed through this process. The Houston Land Use and Zoning Plan is currently before Council.

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